Go to the tab underneath for more detail on that expansion.Use the world map in The Plan to quickly find what you are looking for or to find something to be inspired by.May the drops be ever in your favour.Ī Quick Guide to the Guide (Click to view) If you visit The Mad Merchant you need another and some of the Mounts on the BMAH could cost millions each too!īut don't worry about that right now a whole world awaits us after all. You are going to need roughly to buy most of the Mounts and Companion Pets. Well if you if you have enough gold you can. One of these characters will have to be into Leatherworking, you need a couple of cross faction PvP participants, and then you could collect everything in the game. In fact, every class has its own unique Mount(s) to collect there. You will also want a Druid, Shaman, Warlock or Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue, and Monk for Pets only they have access to via their Class Halls. Note however that at some stage you will want a low level Worgen, Goblin, and Pandaren for unique Pets, and one of each of the Allied Races for unique Mounts only they can obtain. This will come in handy later on as you edge ever closer towards A Horde of Hoofbeats This choice will give you access to 22 "extra" mounts compared to say a Blacksmithing / Mining Blood Elf Warrior, and the highest number (12) on a single character. with Engineering (2 mounts), Tailoring (4 mounts), Fishing (6 mounts) and Archaeology (3 mounts) Engineering.

Crusader Aura, and access to six extra mounts not available to other classes Summon Charger et al (dependant on race) Human for Diplomacy and one extra mount only Alliance can get Champion's Treadblade*.Both Boosted and Seasoned characters looking to fill gaps will find what they need without having to worry about the levelling plan.Īll else being equal the absolute best character you could choose would be: You can follow this guide if you are a new player, none of the tips below are going to slow you down too much. You can read more about how to use this feature here! If you’re looking to track your collections, Wowhead now has the Battle Pet Collection Tracker and Mount Collection Tracker! To use the tracker, simply import your character to view your collections. I have not included anything you cannot get if you started in The Shadowlands There are a lot of things you can do to minimize repeating content later on and enable a head start if you are keen on collecting. Intended to guide your levelling and give you some help farming Mounts and Pets at max level. This could be considered the Prelude to my hexalogy of expansion/location specific guides:Ī Nice Time in Nazjatar (Coming Patch 10.3)Ī Relaxing Time in Revendreth (Coming Patch 11.3)Īn overview covering EVERY Mount and Pet in the game.